Friday, October 10, 2008

please go to and read these websites‏ this site and one of the others I am reading has great books about over 100 cures that work that the medical doctors either don't know about or can't tell anyone about because the government would lose too much money by these cures so the govt made it illegal for medical doctors to use these natural cures.
I also read on one of the sites I saved this morning that colon hydrotherapy is much better than just plain enemas. It says the "patient" needs to LAY DOWN to use the enema, use ONLY WATER THAT IS COMFORTABLE TEMPERATURE, probably mildly warm would be best, and that the "colon hydrotherapist" assists but the patient controls both the water pressure, the nozzle and actually does all the work. Remember the patient is laying down and uses a blanket to cover with during the colonic. Also they mentioned a fan could be used in the room because most likely the waste will smell bad. Also it says the patient should eat steamed veggies and/or soup right after to replace the beneficial bacteria in the colon. THERE ARE NOT ANY BAD side effects, the worst ever reported was some slight nausea and being cold or tired.
I have found more great info also but will wait to tell you about the other things when we talk by telephone today.
Love from Chris

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